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Psychology - Hewstone, Miles Fincham, Frank Foster, Jonathon "For the first time we have a British textbook that can really address our needs. I would, and shall, recommend this text to anyone teaching a first-year introductory psychology course in the UK" - "Thes", December 2005."Psychology", published in association with the British Psychological Society, is the definitive introductory textbook for students new to the subject. Written by more than 20 leading psychologists from the UK and Australasia in association with our editorial team, it provides comprehensive and full colour coverage of all the major aspects of psychology taught in colleges and universities today. Starting with methodology and the biological bases of psychology, the text moves logically through the standard topics, from the nervous system, learning, motivation, emotion, sensory processes and perception to development, memory, language, thought, intelligence, personality, abnormal psychology and therapy. Two social psychology chapters then provide a natural springboard for its coverage of applied topics, which incorporate cutting edge chapters on health, organizational and forensic psychology.Psychological research is brought to life throughout by the inclusion of new snapshot case studies, and real-life contexts are regularly applied to the basic principles. Other features designed to help students and teachers include chapter maps, learning objectives, profiles of pioneering psychologists in each subfield, chapter summaries, expert opinions, revision questions, suggestions for further reading and a glossary. In addition, the textbook is supported by an interactive website containing a multiple choice testbank, essay questions, practice questions, electronic versions of chapters and lecture-by-lecture instructor support. If you are a member, you can discuss this book in the 'Bookworms' Book Club Forum Here 
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